sunnuntai 24. lokakuuta 2010

Programming: The Ranger class

I felt the need for a c++ class which would enable me to do the following:
- Define a finite range of numbers from 0 to N
- Exclude ranges from this range so that the remaining ranges would be accessible as a list
- Reset the range back to full range

Thus came forth the Ranger class.

Files for the project:
- interface header:
- implementation:
- interactive test program:

License is so feel free to stuff this project up your ass.

You can compile the test program with a standards compliant c++ compiler. An example compilation with GNU compiler is as follows:
- c++ -I path_to_ksym_ranger.h ksym_ranger.cpp ksym_ranger_test.cpp

To get an idea what this piece of shit does, check out this example test run (user input in cursive):

$ a
0 -> 100
20 30

0 -> 19
31 -> 100
40 50

0 -> 19
31 -> 39
51 -> 100
60 70

0 -> 19
31 -> 39
51 -> 59
71 -> 100
15 80

0 -> 14
81 -> 100

perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2010

Real Freedom

Real freedom is
... personal, not political
... lived, not talked about
... shown, not debated
... under your control, not dependent on others
... an inspiration to others, not something you can argue them into wanting